Artificial Intelligence

Amplify Network

In the rapidly evolving world of sales and marketing, businesses are constantly searching for innovative strategies to enhance their sales networks and optimize customer engagement. Enter Salesfront, a groundbreaking startup that’s poised to revolutionize the industry with its AI-powered sales support platform, Amplify Network. Our mission is to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to supercharge sales networks, making them more efficient, effective, and engaging than ever before.


Amplify Network?

Salesfront addresses a critical challenge in today’s marketing landscape: the increasing difficulty and cost of reaching potential buyers through traditional channels like influencers and social media. Our solution is a member-get-member program, amplified by the capabilities of AI, to create a cost-effective yet powerful sales engine.


Education Through AI

Amplify Network harnesses AI to distill complex product videos, descriptions, and presentations into accessible text files. This data becomes the foundation for our AI, particularly ChatGPT, to develop immersive educational content like flipcards, quizzes, and true/false games. This approach ensures that every member of the sales network gains a deep understanding of the industry and product, bolstering their confidence and competence.

AI-Powered Customer Care

At the heart of our educational strategy is a sophisticated chatbot, providing immediate, accurate responses to queries. This feature not only supports the educational journey of each network member but also enhances the overall customer service experience, ensuring inquiries are handled efficiently and effectively.

Encouraging Active Engagement

Our mobile app serves as the command center for daily and weekly activities, from educational tasks to social media engagement. Here, AI takes center stage again, with ChatGPT and DALL-E generating eye-catching illustrations and compelling texts for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This proactive approach keeps network members engaged and actively participating in growing the network.

Comprehensive Activity Measurement

Understanding and improving performance is key to any sales strategy. Amplify Network’s mobile app allows members to track their activities and results in real-time. AI analytics provide insights into performance, highlight successful strategies, and suggest adjustments to maximize effectiveness.

Partnership with SunMoney

Our pilot with SunMoney, a trailblazer in solar farm investment, exemplifies Amplify Network’s potential. SunMoney’s unique approach to green energy investment and our AI-driven support system create a synergistic relationship that enhances their sales network’s reach and efficiency. The success of our initial launch, with 4,000 new users in just two weeks, underscores the power of our platform.


Attila Halmai

Attila Halmai


A dynamic blend of engineering prowess, economic insight, and a robust IT background, complemented by over two decades of sales management mastery in the banking sector. At the helm of product development, delivery, and vendor management, Attila orchestrates innovation and efficiency, turning complex challenges into streamlined solutions.

Ákos Sallai

Ákos Sallai


Visionary economist and serial entrepreneur whose 20+ years journey through the heart of business development, PR, and marketing has transformed ideas into success stories. With a knack for pioneering strategies and an unyielding drive for excellence, Ákos has not just navigated the business world but reshaped it.